Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grateful for Your Love- Ellie Holcomb

Listen to Grateful for Your Love at it's just great.

This semester is in full swing! Lots of studying, friends, Young Life =)  I am not so stressed this year, which is such a blessing. I do not have too too much to write about, which may or may not be a reflection of my life right now.  I have had no time to just sit and listen to music or explore new stuff so I have not wanted to write just for the heck of it.  When I do sit and listen to music, it has been opera =)  But I have wanted to write about this song since it came out a few weeks ago.  So much is going on all the time; classes, living with three other girls now, falling in LOVE with girls from Conley High, Pirate football, vocal healing, new books (it's going to take me a year to get through Desiring God haha), fall, weddings...oh so much!

I think I am learning a lot, and have not even really realized it until now.  I think the Lord is teaching me what it means to really find life in Him, to really know Him. I am convinced that you cannot know Jesus without falling madly, desperately, whole-heartedly in love with Him. He has been faithful to me in giving me the sweetest desire just to be His.  And the Word! Oh, I am falling in love with Jesus, the Word made flesh, Emmanuel (God among us).  We have the words of life in our hands, how dare I not completely give myself to them, to seek Christ in each uttered word He speaks? Lately whenever I read the Word or about it or meditate on scripture my heart starts racing.  I have never been so keenly aware of how sacred God's words are... He spoke our entirety into being, He made His thoughts, words, his very self into a man and made His dwelling among us.  To think that the gift we have in His Word is anything less than glorious grace is just foolish!  To think that we are entitled to it, or to take His laws for granted is sin.

Psalm 119
v. 81- My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your Word.
v. 96- To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless.
v. 105- Your Word is a lamp to my feet, a light unto my path.
v. 111- Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.

My prayer is that I do everything in my power, with the Holy Spirit in me, to foster and discipline my mind and thoughts to always fall more in love, in more reliance on scripture.  I pray that it abides in me, that I do nothing on my own, only out of fear of without God, total self-abandonment to Him.

If My Words Abide in You- John Piper  This sermon changed me.  (Thanks for tweeting it Jim)

So I am grateful. So, so grateful for His love, for His Word made flesh, in Christ and (my hope) in me as well.

Love is an ocean, hope is a promise
Light is overtaking, grace is overwhelming.

You chase our sin to the dark and Lord we're grateful, oh we're grateful.
You capture our hearts with your love, oh Lord you're faithful, you are faithful
Nothing that we've ever done was too much for you to handle on the cross
We're grateful for you love

Weight is lifted, mercy tore the curtain
Sin is no master, freedom calls our name!

Life is granted, chains have been broken...

You chase our sin to the dark and Lord we're grateful, oh we're grateful.
You captured our hearts with your love, oh Lord you're faithful, you are faithful
Nothing that we've ever done was too much for you to handle on the cross
We're grateful for your love!