Sunday, March 20, 2011

Set a Fire- Will Reagan and United Pursuit

So I went to La Romana, Dominican Republic last week for Spring Break.  It was my first "mission trip." Classes and “every day life” have quickly forced me back to reality, but I pray that what the Lord taught me in La Romana changes what my every day life looks like.  Being that He is a limitlessly loving and BIG God, the Lord did amazing things within our team and the community there, as well as in my own heart.
"You are here, I am too" -Artist, God

Each day began with personal time with Jesus, then breakfast and group devotion.  Some days we worked on the church (it is just about done after 7 years and 40 missions teams from Covenant Church!) and the mission house for future mission teams to stay in; but mostly we spent time with the people of Barrio George, the local neighborhood we stayed in.  We went to different poverty-stricken villages and it was all very surreal to see that people actually live in tin shed huts with no shoes or clean water, but I can say that it was not hard to see the Lord working miracles and changing hearts of the people living in these communities. 

Alejandra, Suleyca, Ruth, and Zahira- my sweet girls!
Although language was indeed a barrier, the Lord was so faithful in showing us that He is big enough to strip communication down to simple love; no words or flowery conversations were necessary.  But He did help my Spanish a ton, and I actually got to build sweet relationships with a handful of 10-11 year-old girls!  They knew “Jesus loves me” in English and I learned “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” in Spanish, so we sang them together walking through the barrio =)

As a culture, the people were just so loving and excited to have us there.  Children would swarm us every time we walked out of our rooms.  They were just so eager to love and be loved- a beautiful picture of a community that loves the Lord. One of the sweetest memories I have is of the first time we saw them worship in the church on the first night.  There was such joy and freedom in how they danced and sang.  The point in the service they were most joyful was during the offering…woah.  What a beautiful picture of the story in Mark 12 of the woman who had nothing to give the Lord but her heart, her everything.  The people in this community knew that the faith God has given them rules over their circumstances, and they live each day in simple gratitude for what He has given them.  Thanks to our area director's wife who has been to La Romana multiple times, they now have a growing Vida Joven (Young Life) ministry in La Romana! What a blessing to be able to share in that and encourage the leaders.  We even got to have our own Club night which was received so well. We did a couple skits, including the Doctor's Office and Lifehouse skits. 

Pamela, another great leader in Vida Joven

Andrea, a VJ leader in La Romana

They run on “island/Hispanic time” in the DR, meaning that everything happens whenever it happens; there is no time constraints or pressure.  They are so much more focused on RELATIONSHIPS rather than “doing” and getting things done!   Yes, we went to finish building a church, but that was more an excuse to go there and just love these people; they were not worried about the church getting done, so much as they just wanted to be with us.  What an extreme difference from our American culture, and how cool it is to be able to live and grow in that and to bring some of that back to the States.  From now on, when people talk about mission trips I would like to ask, “What did the Lord do/ how did you see Him?” not “What did you do?”

Our team was amazing, we grew so much in love and fellowship.
I am so thankful for you and excited to LIVE in G-Vegas with you.
I think the most profound thing the Lord showed me was that He is the same God I am in love with here as in the DR.  He showed me that my life as a Christ follower is a mission tool for Him no matter where I am and I am called to love each person with the same prayerful dedication and active care whether they are American or Dominican, young or old, Christian or not.  I am committed to searching for Jesus wherever I am; looking for him in a child's sweet smile, in the joyfulness of fellowship, in the beauty of spring blossoming, in people who are looking everywhere but in Christ for fulfillment, at East Carolina University, in Chesapeake, in the DR...literally wherever I am.  I want to be awake and aware of Him and how He is loving me and spurring me to love 
others right where I am, because He is always with me, and NOW is all we have.

Once again, He loved me SO faithfully through music in the DR.  I got to experience worship like I never have before...reckless abandon kind of worship, just singing psalms and prayers out loud to Him.  I think Jesus wanted to take me to the DR to learn more about having confidence in using music to worship Him.  Now more than ever, I know I am meant to praise Him with singing...I mean my heart is beginning to pound right now.  Passion.  I cannot describe this blessing, I can only respond to His grace and love through it and encourage others to join.  We sang this song all week and it just flowed out of us.  
 "Set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain, that I can't control! I want more of you, God. I want more of you, God. There's no place I would rather be than here in your love, here in your love."


  1. Thanks for sharing your awesome experience with us, sweetheart. I’m so happy you went on this trip and were able to share the good news with the sweet people of the DR. Love you tons ;)

  2. I came across your blog as I was looking for the lyrics to "Set a Fire". Your experience blew me away, in particular your statement "I am committed to searching for Jesus wherever I am; looking for him in a child's sweet smile, in the joyfulness of fellowship, in the beauty of spring blossoming, in people who are looking everywhere but in Christ for fulfillment". So much so that I used it on my FB status (giving you credit accordingly, of course). Praying many blessings over you as God continues to fulfill His will for your life!
